Atkins Kryger

Atkins Kryger

19 posts published

Massage is an extremely effective way to ease stress and improve blood and lymph flow. Massage can ease pain and improve overall health of your body. It also boosts the immune system to ensure that it can ward off illnesses. Massage can improve circulatio

Massage is an extremely effective way to ease stress and improve blood and lymph flow. Massage can ease pain and improve overall health of your body. It also boosts the immune system to ensure that it can ward off illnesses. Massage can improve circulatio

Massage can improve circulation, muscle tone, flexibility and muscle soreness. It can also relieve muscular flexibility, tension relaxation, stress relief and sleep quality. Because of its numerous benefits, massage is often recommended to help in muscle healing and recovery following sports injuries. Additionally, since it stimulates the body's natural healing

The earliest traces of massage therapies originate from the ancient Indian and Hindu healing practices that were long before they were widely developed, before becoming an well-established Western medical and health practice. The history of massage therap

The earliest traces of massage therapies originate from the ancient Indian and Hindu healing practices that were long before they were widely developed, before becoming an well-established Western medical and health practice. The history of massage therap

Massage is most commonly identified as a type of manual therapy that utilizes friction to loosen sore or tight muscles and tissues from various areas of the body. The word massage comes from Latin "mass" meaning "of the body" and "trist" meaning "ruff". In the context of this origin, it